Presidente da República da África do Sul Cyril Ramaphosa: Após a recente intensificação dos combates no leste da República Democrática do Congo, a África do Sul perdeu 13 bravos soldados que eram dedicados à sua missão e comprometidos com a paz. Os combates são o resultado de uma escalada do grupo rebelde M23 e da milícia Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) que se engajou com as Forças Armadas da RDC (FARDC) e atacou as forças de manutenção da paz da Missão da SADC na República Democrática do Congo (SAMIDRC)
2 mês atrásMais de 6.000 prisioneiros, incluindo militantes do Estado Islâmico de Moçambique (ISM/ShabaabCult), escapam da prisão central de Maputo em meio a protestos eleitorais em Maputo, Moçambique
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 101 km W of Brandvlei, South Africa
Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Irlanda: Governo concordou em intervir no caso da África do Sul contra Israel no Tribunal Internacional de Justiça
Fronteira da África do Sul com Moçambique temporariamente fechada devido a protestos eleitorais
A Bolívia apresentou uma declaração de intervenção no caso relativo à Aplicação da Convenção para a Prevenção e Punição do Crime de Genocídio na Faixa de Gaza (África do Sul x Israel)
As Maldivas apresentaram uma declaração de intervenção no caso relativo à Aplicação da Convenção para a Prevenção e Punição do Crime de Genocídio na Faixa de Gaza (África do Sul v Israel)
Heavy snowfall between Johannesburg and durban on the N3 route in SouthAfrica
5 mês atrásIt is snowing in South Africa. There is snowfall in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal, Free State and Gauteng
5 mês atrásSnowfall in Ladysmith, South Africa
Two South African news outlets have confirmed that the 95 Libyan fighters receiving military training in South Africa were sent by Khalifa Haftar’s armed coalition
Saudi Crown Prince and South African President discuss ways to enhance and develop bilateral relations between the two countries in a number of areas
7 mês atrásThe government-owned container flats in Alexandra have been occupied again. Security that was guarding the place was chased away last night and their vehicle torched. On Sunday, Joburg EFF PR cllr, Moshe Mpahlele, was shot dead during a protest outside the flats. TCG
The former PA of @AceMagashule has been been extradited from the United States of America. She is expected to land in South Africa later this afternoon.
South Sudan's president travels to South_Africa to brief President Ramaphosa on the progress of the ongoing Nairobi Tumaini peace Initiative. South Africa is one of the guarantors of the South Sudanese peace agreement
The South African Defense Forces announces a mortar attack on one of its bases in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
South African opposition leader says coalition deal done
8 mês atrásFive African countries—Kenya, Algeria, Egypt, South Africa, and Tunisia—are invited to attend the G7 meeting in Puglia, Italy, from June 13-15
Spain will ask a U.N. court to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. Several non-European nations have already made the request
South Africa's ANC vote under 42% after two-thirds counted, all but certain to lose outright majority
South Africa tells World Court it seeks aditional measures against Israel "due to continuing annihilation of the Palestinian people"
The Turkish Foreign Ministry announces its joining with South Africa in the genocide case against Israel
In new al-Naba, Islamic State claims to have shot down a helicopter with a South African pilot on board in Macomia region of Cabo Delgado. Also informs on various operations in northern Nampula and other places, with villages abandoned by security forces for days
Turkish President Erdogan: “The butcher Netanyahu has to be brought to justice.” “Right now our people are engaged in a joint effort with South Africa at the International Court of Justice.”
South Africa's ex-parliament speaker arrested in graft probe: prosecutors
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman: South Africa continues to represent the interests of Hamas and we are committed to respecting international law
SouthAfrica asked the International Court of Justice @CIJ_ICJ ICJ to indicate additional provisional measures in connection with Israel's planned offensive on Rafah. A short explainer:The South African Government has made an urgent request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to consider whether the decision announced by Israel to extend its military operations in Rafah, which is the last refuge for surviving people in Gaza, requires that the court uses…
South African Foreign Minister: All countries are obligated to stop funding Israeli military operations
The United Nations' top court said on Friday that at least some rights sought by South Africa in its genocide case against Israel's war in Gaza are plausible
The International Court of Justice rules in favor of South Africa's request for provisional measures against Israel over Gaza war