19 Septembre 2024
Headless body found in Beacon Valley, Cape Town. Head was placed on top of the victim in a gift bag11 mois il y a
Headless body found in Beacon Valley, Cape Town. Head was placed on top of the victim in a gift bag
The latest toll from the fire that tore through a five-story building in central Johannesburg overnight is 74 people killed, including 12 children, South African authorities said Thursday1 année il y a
The latest toll from the fire that tore through a five-story building in central Johannesburg overnight is 74 people killed, including 12 children, South African authorities said Thursday
1 année il y a
S. Africa's Johannesburg fire death toll reaches 73: official
The death toll from a fire that engulfed a five-storey building in central Johannesburg on Thursday has risen to 73, the South African city's emergency services said1 année il y a
The death toll from a fire that engulfed a five-storey building in central Johannesburg on Thursday has risen to 73, the South African city's emergency services said
The death toll from a fire that engulfed a five-storey building in central Johannesburg on Thursday has risen to 52, the South African city's emergency services says1 année il y a
The death toll from a fire that engulfed a five-storey building in central Johannesburg on Thursday has risen to 52, the South African city's emergency services says
1 année il y a
At least 63 confirmed dead in Johannesburg building fire; death toll expected to rise further
1 année il y a
Emergency services says death toll jumps to 52 in a fire in a building in South Africa's biggest city
1 année il y a
President Cyril Ramsphosa says leaders of the BRICS bloc have decided to invite Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to become full members from 1 January 2024
1 année il y a
The President of South Africa announces the completion of the closing statement of the BRICS summit
1 année il y a
South African Foreign Minister: BRICS countries agreed to expand the membership of the group
BRICS Summit in South Africa1 année il y a
BRICS Summit in South Africa
Poutine a assisté au sommet des BRICS par liaison vidéo1 année il y a
Poutine a assisté au sommet des BRICS par liaison vidéo
1 année il y a
South African President: We share similar views with China on the expansion of BRICS
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met president of SouthAfrica today in Pretoria1 année il y a
Iran FM @Amirabdolahian met president of SouthAfrica today in Pretoria
1 année il y a
Putin had a telephone conversation with the President of South Africa
Poutine rencontre le président sud-africain Ramaposa1 année il y a
Poutine rencontre le président sud-africain Ramaposa
1 année il y a
Putin will not go to the BRICS summit, the office of the President of South Africa said. The Russian delegation will be represented by Sergey Lavrov
1 année il y a
Arrêter Poutine équivaudrait à une déclaration de guerre, a écrit le président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa dans des documents judiciaires publiés mardi, alors que le pays se dispute pour accueillir le dirigeant russe lors d'un prochain sommet.
1 année il y a
Le président Zelensky a rencontré une délégation de pays africains
1 année il y a
Le président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa est venu à Kyiv
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 6 km SSE of Alberton, South Africa
1 année il y a
Poutine a eu un appel téléphonique avec le président sud-africain, a accepté de recevoir une délégation de pays africains pour discuter de l'Ukraine
1 année il y a
Saudi Arabia's foreign minister met with his Russian counterpart in South Africa on Thursday on the sidelines of a meeting of a bloc of five key developing economies
1 année il y a
Le chef de l'Afrique du Sud a déclaré qu'au nom des pays africains, il s'est entretenu avec Poutine et Zelensky, ils ont accepté d'accepter la mission des dirigeants africains sur une initiative de paix
1 année il y a
South African Presidency: No evidence has been presented to support the US ambassador's allegations of Russian weapons supplies
The US has accused South Africa of supplying arms to Russia in a covert naval operation - FT
Police firing rubber bullets at some protestors in Tembisa. TCG1 année il y a
Police firing rubber bullets at some protestors in Tembisa. TCG
1 année il y a
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has confirmed that a soldier arrested in Limpopo by the South African Police Service (SAPS) for helping free six awaiting prisoners is indeed a serving member of the military
1 année il y a
Police Minister Bheki Cele says more police officers have been deployed in Westbury in Johannesburg in a bid to fight crime and prevent gang violence
L'Afrique du sud déclare l'état de catastrophe en raison de la pénurie d'électricité1 année il y a
L'Afrique du sud déclare l'état de catastrophe en raison de la pénurie d'électricité